Matt Giraud was on the second batch of 12 contestants in American Idol 8 but he did not make it. Michigan was hoping and praying that he would make it on the wild card. And he did it!
He is one of the 7 finalists but tonight, April 15, he got the lowest vote and he was given the chance to sing for hi life. I know and we know that Simon Cowell would give him that chance to make till the end of the contest. Simon Cowell gave Matt Giraud a third chance. Simon Cowell believed in Matt Giraud and he don't want him to go yet. Simon knows that there are so many things that Matt can give, and so as Kara Diogardi.
Matt Giraud didn't help himself, he broke to tears, tears of happiness. He is so blessed. From wild card to magic card. Go, go, go, Matt!